CBD for Pets

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About Avid Hemp CBD for Dogs

As strange as it may sound, CBD for dogs is one of the hottest trends in the pet industry. Pet owners can’t stop talking about feeding CBD pet oil to their pooch for various reasons. If you want your pet to experience CBD’s purported pros, then you’ve got to check out Avid Hemp’s pure CBD oil for dogs. We promise our purified CBD for pets contains no more than 0.3 percent THC and zero harmful toxins. If you have any questions about Avid Hemp’s CBD oil for dogs, please reach out to our staff on this Contact Us page.

CBD for Pets FAQs

If you’ve already researched CBD oil for humans, you’re probably familiar with the term “endocannabinoid system” (ECS). Although the ECS was only discovered in the 20th century, it’s a natural bodily system like the digestive, endocrine, and central nervous systems. According to current research, the ECS seems to play a significant role in maintaining a sense of homeostasis.

Interestingly, cannabinoids like CBD might bind with the ECS’s CB1 and CB2 receptors. This is why CBD seems to have so many therapeutic effects ranging from epilepsy relief to anti-inflammation.

But it’s not just humans that have an ECS! Recent scientific research suggests that dogs have their own ECS, which means they might absorb CBD just like humans. Even though we don’t know precisely how the ECS works, it’s possible CBD could affect dogs via this system.

When you start researching CBD’s benefits for pets, you’re bound to come across countless forums claiming CBD could cure every ailment under the sun. Unfortunately, most of the reports online are purely anecdotal. While that doesn’t mean CBD doesn’t have tremendous healing potential, we don’t have enough scientific literature to prove or disprove most of these claims.

There are, however, a few studies that show certain common conditions respond favorably to CBD oil. Let’s take a peek at three of the most common reasons pet owners swear by CBD oil for dogs.

According to VCA Animal Hospital, about 20 percent of dogs will suffer from osteoarthritis at some point in their lives. Although this painful condition could affect any dog at any time, it’s far more prevalent in large breeds like German shepherds, Labradors, and golden retrievers.
Thankfully, CBD oil might have potential as an all-natural treatment for this common age-related ailment. Researchers at Cornell University recently released a placebo-controlled study focusing on CBD oil’s effects on arthritic dogs. Amazingly, dogs who received a daily dose of CBD oil seemed to have less inflammation and pain than those in the placebo group.

Scientists at the University of Kentucky also published a study examining CBD’s effects on arthritis. Although scientists applied CBD topically in this study, the results were the same: mice who received CBD appeared to be more flexible and had fewer inflammatory markers.

Note: before you buy CBD oil for dogs, please remember the FDA has not reviewed any of the statements made on this website. None of the information on our site is intended to cure, diagnose, or treat any disease. It’s important to speak with a trusted veterinarian before adding CBD to your dog’s dish.

Another common reason people use CBD oil for dogs is to help with anxiety-related disorders. For instance, many pet owners feed their dogs CBD oil before a loud thunderstorm or a fireworks display. Some people also use CBD oil for dogs that struggle with separation anxiety.

Unlike osteoarthritis and epilepsy, however, we don’t have any hard data suggesting CBD oil could be useful for these conditions. There are, however, a few vets who admit to using CBD for anxiety-prone dogs.

When it comes to dosing CBD for dogs, there are no standard recommendations. Heck, we’re still trying to figure out the proper CBD doses for humans!

Although finding the perfect CBD dose for your dog will take a bit of experimentation, there are a few basic rules to keep in mind. For instance, you’ll need less CBD oil for small dogs versus large breeds. Usually, dogs that weigh more need extra CBD to have a noticeable effect.

Here’s another tip: no matter what dog breed you have, it’s always best to start with the lowest possible dose and gradually increase by about 0.5 mg per day. Carefully monitor your dog’s response to CBD throughout the day and maintain a steady level once you notice the desired effects.

If you’re having a difficult time determining how much CBD oil to give your pet, use a ratio of 1 mg CBD per 10 pounds. For instance, if you have a dog that weighs 20 pounds, start with 2 mg of CBD per day. Usually, this is a good starting dose of CBD that you could gradually build upon.

Just like dosing CBD, there’s no established timeframe for when CBD’s effects kick in. Every dog processes CBD differently, so it could take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour before noticing effects. Monitor your dog for at least 30 minutes before deciding whether to give him more CBD oil.

In most cases, CBD is well-tolerated by both dogs and humans. That doesn’t mean, however, that side effects are non-existent—especially at abnormally high doses.

The most commonly reported side effects from CBD oil for dogs include the following:

  • Digestive issues
  • Nausea
  • A mild rash
  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth

In most cases, you’ll only notice these symptoms if you feed your dog too much CBD. After seeing any of these side effects, you should stop feeding your dog CBD for one day and then try CBD again at a lower dose.

If your dog takes prescription medications or has pre-existing conditions, you must check with your veterinarian before supplementing with CBD. Be especially careful when administering CBD to dogs with liver ailments or blood pressure issues.

The most widely accepted use of CBD is to help reduce the severity of epileptic seizures. Indeed, the FDA’s first approved CBD-derived drug (Epidiolex) is designed to help with this very issue.

Considering how CBD is frequently used by human epilepsy patients, it’s no surprise many dog owners are excited to use CBD for the same purpose. At this point, however, we only have one study out of Colorado State University that suggests CBD might reduce dog seizures.

While there’s more research to be done, many vets are hopeful about using CBD oil for dogs with epilepsy. As always, before you start administering CBD to your dogs, we recommend talking with a trusted veterinarian.

Since CBD for dogs is relatively new, there’s still a great deal we don’t know about this cannabinoid’s healing properties. However, the vast majority of anecdotal reports suggest pure pet CBD oils are safe for dogs. Even the World Health Organization now considers pure CBD a well-tolerated supplement.

Please keep in mind, all of Avid Hemp’s CBD products for dogs have been lab-verified to contain no more than 0.3 percent of the psychoactive cannabinoid THC. We also filter all of our CBD goods using CO2 extraction to eliminate potential toxins without leaving behind a solvent residue. For total transparency, we publish all of our lab findings on this website so our customers know we mean business.

The best way to feed your dog CBD is also the most difficult: sublingually. In case you didn’t already know, there are two “sublingual glands” underneath the tongue that can absorb CBD directly into the bloodstream. While humans (usually) don’t have an issue swallowing CBD this way, it’s pretty tricky to safely squirt CBD down a dog’s throat.

Because it’s challenging to administer CBD sublingually, most customers prefer to add our CBD oil for dogs to food or water. Many pet owners have also reported success in mixing CBD oil with a bit of peanut butter and feeding it to their dog. All of these methods will get CBD into your dog’s system without much of a fuss.

If you’re having trouble getting your dog to eat our standard CBD oil for animals, please remember Avid Hemp also offers an exclusive bacon-flavored CBD oil for dogs. This full-spectrum oil has the same hemp-derived CBD in our other oils with a delightful touch of smoky bacon flavoring.

There’s a reason why we separate our human CBD goods from our pet CBD oils. Obviously, dogs are far lighter than adult humans, so they need doses better suited for their bodies. Our CBD oil for pets was designed with dogs in mind, which makes it easier for you to dose CBD safely.

Although most of the current research into CBD for animals focuses on dogs, that doesn’t mean CBD can’t help other beloved pets. For instance, many people are curious about CBD’s potential to improve their cat’s quality of life.

At this point, we only have one major study on CBD’s possible effect on cats. Researchers at the University of Florida, Colorado State, and Cornell College studied the safety profile of CBD extracts on dogs and cats. According to the study authors, dogs had a higher tolerance for CBD, but cats didn’t display any severe side effects.

Just because we don’t know much about CBD’s effect on cats doesn’t mean you can’t safely experiment with one of Avid Hemp’s pet CBD products. As always, please talk with a certified vet before feeding CBD to your feline friends

Want A Healthy Pup? Feed Fido Avid Hemp's CBD Oil for Dogs!

Avid Hemp takes CBD seriously.

It all starts with high-quality, sustainably-grown hemp from some of America’s best farms. After receiving our beautiful hemp buds, Avid Hemp uses advanced CO2 extraction technology to purify our CBD while eliminating all potential toxins and solvent residue.

For extra security, we send all of our products through third-party lab screenings to ensure you’re never exposed to over 0.3 percent THC. So, whether you purchase our CBD oil for pets or another product, you can rest assured you are experiencing the full power of cannabidiol.

If you’re interested in learning more about Avid Hemp’s commitment to high-quality CBD goods, please visit our informative FAQ page. You could also email our friendly staff on this webpage.