cbd gummies

Four Factors When Storing CBD Gummies

Edibles are one of the most popular and fun ways to ingest CBD, or cannabidiol. Chances are if you can eat it, it has been made into a great CBD treat. Actually, one of the most ubiquitous forms of CBD edibles are CBD gummies. Not only are most CBD gummies amazing, they come in a variety of eye catching colors and flavours, but they are extremely convenient and portable.Yet odds are you won’t be eating an entire container of gummies in one sitting. In fact, we would strongly urge against consuming more than the recommended amount. Therefore, it’s important to learn how to properly store your gummies. Proper care and storage of your CBD confections can extend their shelf life and ensure they do not lose their potency. Read on to learn about the four factors that could be affecting your CBD gummies: 



One of the most important things to avoid when searching for your perfect CBD storage space is light. Direct sunlight (and heat) is extremely harmful to CBD and can cause the actual CBD content to degrade. Exposure to light can also encourage mold growth and premature decay. Optimally, try to find a dark place for your gummies to live and make sure they are being stored in an opaque vessel.  



CBD gummies and moisture do not mix! Your CBD gummies will last a lot longer with no risk for mold or contamination if they are stored in a dry, humidity free environment.  An ideal spot for gummies that is sufficiently dry and cool is your freezer or refrigerator.  



Similar to light, oxygen has the ability to alter the chemical balance of CBD and can even trigger a process known as oxidative stressThus, it is of the utmost importance to make sure your gummies are sealed in an airtight and ideally non transparent container. Just like storing your last night’s dinner leftovers in a tupperware extends their eatability, keeping your gummies in a hermetically sealed container will lengthen their shelf life!


Temperature Stable

Just as you want to avoid excessive heat, huge fluctuations in temperature are no good for your CBD confections either. Optimally, CBD gummies need to rest in a space that is temperature stable which will allow them to maintain their physical state. Extreme shifts in temperature can lead to physical fluctuations which can alter the taste and texture of the candies. Gummies specifically need to be left in a cool spot, as in a warm locale their gelatin will start to break down. 

So where is the perfect spot to store your CBD gummies? If you haven’t guessed by now…drumroll..your fridge! Cool, dry, sealed, and temperature stable, your fridge or freezer is the ideal place to store your CBD gummies. Any fridge real estate is great, but remember to avoid storage on the door as the constant opening/closing of this area makes food items left there vulnerable to temperature swings.  

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